...it's been a while since putting word to screen, garnering unwarranted attention for my feeble ramblings in the past, i'm hesitant to put things into permanence...i mostly use the blog these days as a portal to other places, and places from those places...prepping has taken a back seat to survivalism, inasmuch for the blog, what used to be a stepping stone to preparing has become a medium of infotainment, news gathering, and/or possibly a retreat from both...using the vast knowledge of humanity to make what i have go farther, versus acquisition of the items being stored changes all of the avenues of approach...
...the last decade and a half have seen changes that none of us would have thought possible, myself constantly lamenting the fact of not waking up until that ill fated day late 2001, having realized shortly afterwards, that the foundation of such events had been laid a generation or two prior...maybe the naivete of thinking i could some how make a difference in the mindset of others, of the goings on in the world since then and even prior to, have actually retarded my current state of preparedness...realistically how many people have you awoken ??? five, ten, more, less, does it matter in the grand scheme of things ?
...i still think it did, does...i've always tried to help those i could, pray for those i couldn't...me being me, and Keeping My Faith...when so many turn their back on The Almighty, is it any wonder we find ourselves in the situations we are now in...as a country...as a people...
...eventuality dictates such as i've said before in these pages, balcanization is the inevitable conclusion of this epic story, divide and conquer, 'their' plan has almost come to fruition...a whole people who used to believe freedom, liberty, at any price including death are fragmented, by design i remind you...easier to take out a bunch of little guys than it is to take on one big guy...
...i'll keep practicing, i'll keep preaching, i'll keep surviving(used to say prepping)...and if they find me dead in a ditch somewhere, By God i'll be on a pile of spent brass having taken a metric shit tonne of those commie heathen bastards with me...
...it's coming, it will be violent, hell it's gonna be medieval...steady your resolve, the calmness of righteousness is it's own reward, also it will steady your aim...God Bless The Remnants of Our Republic...
Girls With Guns
2 hours ago
I agree with what you are saying.
It is going to be Medieval too.
The bad part for me is that I cannot seem to wake anyone else up to what is obviously coming and it is coming, faster and closer by the day now.
I have almost no preps anymore, gone in the moves I have had to make and never replaced.
I can't even get my wife to quit shopping for just enough groceries to last a damn week.
I am fooked and I know it but things are starting to gel regarding OPFOR"s Grand Scheme and I do believe that the meager long term supplies that I do have are about to start getting some company whether the wife likes it or not.
There is one aspect of the equation that I have not completely neglected but I won't go into details here on the internet. Just suffice it to say that I too will be surrounded by a pile of hot brass when I go, God willing.
It's about to start getting ugly and I actually believe that there is a Hot war right here in the FUSA coming in the near future.
God Bless ya Ken and the best of luck to you and yours.
Because we are all going to wind up as worm food one way or the other eventually, I would prefer to spend my remaining time banging my head against the wall and trying to wake people the fuck up to what is happening before their very eyes to maximize the amount of latent resistance still left in my fellow country men's DNA for their children's sake.
Keep hammering away at it and please do jot down your thoughts a bit more often.
I am adding you to the Blogroll over at The Vulgar Curmudgeon in hopes it will give you a modicum of renewed vigor to do just that.
In Liberty,
(Bustednuckles)(Ornery Bastard)
...thanx Busted' i often wonder if i wasted my time on some of those sheep(most of those sheep)...time i shoulda coulda woulda spent fortifying my own instead, the band of brothers that will run with me to the sound of guns is no bigger now than it was when i/we started...only now we're separated by more distance to our rally points than we were in the beginning, hell we only group up once every so often nowadays when we used to practice twice a year...
...anyway, it is good to vent every now and then, thanx again brother, see ya soon...
Welcome back Ken,was wondering about things down there.Hope all is well,get in touch when your back up here in "yankee country" Lol
...hey Ohio, how goes it with yer clan ?
...good as to be expected down here i guess...no travel plans in the near future brother but if sumthing comes up i'll keep ya posted...
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