...yep,things seem to be progressing nicely for the fedgov,their plan is close to fruition,once again the MSM is being used as the propaganda tool that it is for 'them'...now we all know that the weapons the mexicans seem to be using,are not from here,not from 'us' anyway,more than likely were purchased from the fedgov themselves...that fella down in Alabama,was one of the many brainwashed folks using one of the myriad of 'antidepressants'...common denominator,99% of these whackos are 'medicated' out of their minds...probably brainwashed to do those things,then commit suicide...leaving the reasons open to interpretation...'their' interpretation...
...as expected,the anti gun/freedom/liberty folks are dancing in the blood of the innocent,and with this administration at the helm,look for it to be a catalyst to further the restrictions upon our Liberties...hell,they brought out the NatGaurd M.P.s for Christsakes...to be 'police'...let that sink in...military used as police...although they 'swore' an oath,to the Constitution,the LTC in the interview(when asked his opinion on the 2A)said his opinion of it was "irrelevent"...hmmm...one of those "just following orders" pukes..."we were just helpin the local LEOs get a break" he said,not verbatim but,you get the picture..."enforcing a cordon,set up by local law enforcement"...
Cor.don: (kawr'.dan) n. a line of military posts enclosing an area to prevent passage;hence,a circle of persons around any place or thing to prevent access.
...so were you or were you not acting as police ?...
...were you or were you not dressed in full battle rattle ?...if you were in jeans,sweatshirt and orange vest waving a flashlight(on or off 'duty')i'll rescind this question...
...did anyone confront you and tell you what you were doing was un-Constitutional(on sooo many levels)and therefor illegal ?...and that you had not one ounce of 'authority' over anything that was going on ?...
...just a couple of things(questions)floating around my brain,along with the defamation i feel about being labeled a terrorist because i supported Ron Paul(first and only time i sent $ to a 'politician') or because i am a Constitutionalist,or because of whom i voted for...
...hmmm,me !?...a terrorist ?
...shits gettin deep,been practicing 'tactical' reloads...magazine retention ya know...those things are gonna get hard to come by...real soon...will not be using live fire at practice anymore(haven't since last fall anyway)ammunition conservation ya know...get yer crews and gear together fellas...looks like its almost time for the 'threepercenters'(past time actually)...oh yeah,get yer patch...the life you save may be yer own...lol...anyway...
...as always buy ammo,practice,be prepared...
"Liberty has never come from government.Liberty has always come from the subjects of government.The history of Liberty is the history of resistance"
Woodrow Wilson,
9 May.1912
...although i was gonna replace 'subject',with 'citizen' i didn't...i feel it means citizen in this quote/context...
...i will be part of 'the resistance'...a member of 'the rebels'...whatever we are labeled as,whatever they use to demonize us...i will fight for the remainder of My Republic(yes...remainder,we are a shadow of our former selves)...
...I supported Ron Paul,I voted for Chuck Baldwin,I believe in God,I am a Constitutionalist,I am an American...
...come and get me fuckers...
Visage à trois #2763
1 hour ago
Ken, my fellow dissent, you are, once again..RIGHT ON THE MONEY. The media thinks that we all belive their BS, I know many of us that don't/won't. Our Republic and our Constitution has been uder attack by the powers that be. I will be at your side when the day comes...getting sooner too. I am proud to have friends such as you that are considered by the gov to be a threat to their efforts. Come and get me too then fuckers.
Thank You Brother Bullseye...i will not back away from my line,hand to God...
I'll give a warm body but gonna needs borrow a peashooter...
Good writing, Man!
A lot are with you, bro. Always will be...
...Cygnus,the one and only...i'll cover yer shooter Brother,no sweat...pick yer flavor,.223,.308 or the 9 mike-mike...my 6.8 is still a pipe dream...for now...
You know the old Hermit will be there, standing proud with my brothers and fellow patriots. May just be an older guy, but the love of freedom does not dim with age, nor does the oath I took years ago to support and defend the Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic!
Good post, my friend!
Say the word Ken! Cygnus, I reckon most of us got plenty of extras for ya. Heh heh heh.....
...yer right on Jim,from what i've witnessed,Patriotism INCREASES with age,and an oath does not diminish with time...
...and Mayberry,we definately need you my Brother,there is no such thing as 'an army of one'...
...hell hath no fury as a Mayberry scorned...lol
Color me Terrorist Green, Brother- will be standing beside you.
God bless America and God bless the Revolution!
Vive la Libertie!
Cygnus- what flavor do you like?
...hey Shy,good to see ya Brother,thanx for the visit,it means alot...i'm SOOO close...so close to saddling up...God give me strength...
Count me in Brother!
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Scout in with ya boys!
Amen Ken, and thank you for your comment. Hang in there, I'm trying to do the same.
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