...just a quick post for now to touch on a couple things...
...first is this(i had it wrote on a note pad, buried here by the 'puter...don't remember where it comes from,but some one may know, and help me give credit where it's due ? )
...our current form of leadership...
A system of government where the least likely to lead, are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves, are rewarded with goods and services, paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers...
...next i think would be all the bomb threats(excuse me,i meant IEDs) that are floating around 'cuz of the phony movie about the crackpot muslim...seems the PTB have their 'false flags' all sewn together now, will be interesting to see how this unfurls, they won't let a good crisis go to waste ya know(more so that 'they' create it)...anyway, tonight will be spent putting final touches on some things, and initiating others...no real need to preach to the choir, this i know...but...if you need it, now's the time...if you can find the ammo, buy it, contacts finalized post haste, networks that should be in place already, need implemented soon...the acronym agencies will have their "excuses" no matter what...
...when my time comes to meet The Almighty, i will tell him i did my level best, to bring as many of those commie bastards with me as i could...(under used cliche' of the century)...safety's off mother fuckers...
Girls With Guns
41 minutes ago
I'm working at home today. Gun safe is about 12 feet away.
I probably should load some mags for the USP.
Not sure where the word, ineptocracy, came from. But boy, does it sure describe what is going on.
Yeah, been following the news regarding all the bomb threats. It's goofy. This just screams psy-op.
Am I the only one that doesn't care? Am I that jaded? Why am I looking for a curtain to pull back?
No Muslim bent on killing a bunch of Infidels is going to call ahead and warn them. Warning of bombs is the tactic of someone intent on causing physical damage, but not casualties. That type of bombing is an economic or political action.
I'm concerned that due to lack of stampeding by the population in response to what is going on, someone in the gov't is going to go live with an op that will cost lives. Similar to previous incidents. Either that, or they're going to let an action that they're aware of go forward. Kinda like what happened with the consulates and embassies over in the Great Sandbox.
I saw the liar in chief and that hoary broad Clinton flapping their gums on TV. What a couple of completely worthless tools.
One thing that troubles me is the recent decision to start dumping even more fake money into the economy. It would appear to me that they got this news story ignored by fomenting all this restlessness.
Something really bad is just below the horizon.
I am sure that the Federal Bureau of Instigators is working feverishly right now to gin up some "domestic terrorism". Yeah, safeties off...
...evenin'Catman, evenin'Mayb...
...students just wanting a long weekend is my guess for the U threats/possibly part of the smoke and mirrors of a collapsing economy/rigged (s)elections/insert one here/etc...
...the acronym guys will have to create casualties to further their agenda,it is inevitable...pray for the innocents, the higher the body count,the greater level of "security" afterwards...
I feel a deep foreboding...
That which we fear is soon to be unleashed.
Stay safe Brothers!
...mornin'Scout, yep i feel 'they' will soon go ahead with an op that includes a 'domestic terrorists improvised explosive device'...just to say "i told ya so"
...as i said, pray for the innocents, stay locked and loaded...
I love that saying...safetys off...
...hey Rhino, that statement fits me to a 'T' brother, and i will fire first upon any breech of this house, by anyone...everything here is condition one, there will be no time wasted...
...locked, loaded, cached, and spent, let the games begin...
Ineptocracy = perfect. Safety off! Stay safe and God Bless!
...good evenin'Miss Aggie, just wish i could remember where that came from...
...thanx fer the Blessings, right back atcha...
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