...ahhh, irish coffee mellows...perfect for a rainy sunday ramblings, i've never left, i'm omnipresent, i've been here, i've been there...nuthin' else to do at this moment but drop a dime.
...busy times indeed, chores and stores brothers and sisters...'chores-n-stores'
...ammo acquisition again tantamount to eating, the firearms and ammunition industries have leveled off as much as they're going to for the foreseeable future, if you need'em, get'em...remember two is one, one is none.
...watching, waiting, prepping, practicing, coordinate your tribes boys and girls, practice, practice, practice...
...local, local, local, also sage advice, contacts this year have garnered me fruits and veggies locally produced, and thanks to an abandoned property next door, plenty of pecans( i miss my pecan trees), the muscadine vines on the back border of the property are huge and plentiful(lots of rain...love those things, almost as much as pecans...lol)
...small reminder, 'tis the season of change, get yer 72 hour kit in the vehicles now...before the badness...on most occasions the avg joe aint at home much these days, keep what ya need in case ya gotta fight yer way home...
Visage à trois #2905
50 minutes ago
I knew ya was still kicking.
Glad to "see" you Ken! Glad you are well.
Happy to see you are still around and still able to prep.
God bless you my brother.
...hey Scout, Miss Aggie, Ohio...good to see y'all too, sorry for the distance between posts but it's been a busy summer, right up till this past weekend i had 68 days straight at the plant...allowed me some breathing room financially(just in time for the fall preppin' season...lol)
...i'll post more soon, i promise...
...hey China, aint talked to many folks...good to talk to you guys tho...will see ya in the sphere
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