...raining here as i type,a little while ago while thinking about my gear bag,or get home bag, or bug out bag what ever ya call it,i simply call it my gear bag(Thanx Bullseye...lol...)got me curious about something !?...what actually is in there ?...
...i dumped it on the table...as with some of you i'm sure these things have a habit of becoming a 'catch-all' for various situations...a 'safe' spot,a spot to put things of vital importance when yer going about yer daily-daily...after sorting and filing the myriad of receipts,papers,and other non essential items,i took a moment to repack it...lol...theres that 'lost track of time thing' again...i thought a 'moment' to repack it,while i was playin' i heard "Now what are ya doin ?"..."Hurry up !"..."is this dam thing gonna take all day !?"...and finally,"Lets GO"...all in the stretch of what felt like a few minutes...it was considerably longer than that but...anyway,time flies when yer havin fun thing i guess...
What went back in was these:two pairs socks,two knives-fixed and folder,two spaceblankets,a compass,pad of paper&pencil,magnesium firestarter(these thing are cool),matches,two babybic lighters,small home made first-aid kit in a small snap lid tackle box...speaking of,i make my own kits,a few of them are store bought 'starter' kits,ones that i've added to,most are small tackleboxes that i converted...two spools of 100yd mono-4lb and 8lb,small bag of hooks and sinkers,small radio w/headfones,mini-mag flashlight,small LED flashlight,batteries for previous,a roll of electrical tape,bottle of water,water purification tabs,three bottles of the 5-hour power energy drinks,fourteen various 'foodbars'...a couple old fashioned granola bars,all the way up to a couple high calorie meal bars,these items get rotated pretty good as i use them during work when i can't grab a lunch...alot of salt and pepper packs(?cool),a few packs of juicyfruit chewin gum,a full size Leatherman,and a smaller imitation leatherman,small pistol cleaning kit,pistol and x-tra mags,and two dessicants(the kind i gotta put in the oven to 'recharge'(these things are cool too)...thats it...seems kinda...kinda...empty...
...suggestions welcome...
Another raise your arm post.
1 hour ago
Sound like a good way to spend time on a rainy day! If i may suggest adding a pair of leather gloves to the bag...Just my two cents....Have a great weekend Ken....
...dammit,shoulda thought about that,some additional items related to the weather come and go(such as cold weather gloves)...but a pair of thin leather gloves for 'workin'...will make a dam fine addition Scout,thank you sir...
Your welocme my friend! I use the wool thin gloves you get at wally world then combine with leathr gloves good to go all seasons with the combo.....
Lineman's pliers (for cutting fences/wire). Compass. Map of the area. Other than that, sounds purty good!
Ken, sounds like a funday to me man. I take mine apart every few months it seems, adding and taking away as I see fit. I carry a change of clothes and a light jacket too. Gloves would be a good addition. I switch from a backpack to a duffle sometimes too, not sure whichis better for me. I really think the duffle is better, chances of walking with a pack are slim. I can convert the duffle to a backpack if need be. A day spent with your preps beats the hell out of working any day, you know that I'm sure.
...forgot about the fence cutters,thanx Mayberry,compass was one of the first in there(i doublechecked post too,its there...lol)and at this junction,the map aint needed,they're in the bigger truck bag...Bullseye,this ones a range bag,has longer strap if over shoulder carry,old but good shape,not too big,not too small...it's one of two 'little' ones...if the time is allowed,four 'big' bags,same two 'little' bags,one box,individual duffels of family thrown in the bronco and were outa here...worstcasescenario...
...one of these days i'll 'tech up' and post a pic...
Whoops! I missed it...
I am trying to get you a place to go, if it comes to that. It won't be too far away. Lotsa good people in Mississippi. And a whole lot of guns and ammo. Pretty good deer herd too, but a lot of guys are saving the deer for very hard times.
...Mayberry,no worries Brother,did make me second guess it tho...lol...Michael,is lots of deer here for sure,comparisons to MI(only other place i've harvested deer)...BIG deer too...i'm more of a small game eater tho,since 2000 i've only shot two doe,and one 6-point,once again more for groceries than trophys'...
A couple of things I have and would suggest, some "tea" candles for fire starting and also can be used in conjunction with space blankets wrapped around you like a poncho for immediate warmth.
the other is kind of hard to find anymore , I got mine off Ebay.
The old Boy Scout ,Knife , Fork, Spoon, Corkscrew, Screwdriver fold up model.
Kind of the ancestor of the Multi tool.Some of them actually had a small pair of scissors.
I would take the time to find one.
Just my .02
...hey Busted,thanx for the visit...actually the candles went in this morning,as did the gloves,wirecutters,and a 'few' screws and nails of various sizes...lengthy explanation,suffice it to say ol'boy made a good argument...
P.S....i do want one of them boyscout knives too,been a couple decades since i even thought about those...
What in the world is your purpose?Any of you,why are you here?
Aren't you guys supposed to be talking about preparing for the end of the world,or taking over the Government?
Your worried about what each other has in their purses.LOL
Anonymous, as usual, ain't you got a bag of Cheeto's to choke to death on?
EMPTY? Gods, if that's "empty", do i ever lack...
...lookyhere...you guys see this...an anon@8:31...got my second anonymous,and my first ever troll,WoooHooo...lol...must mean i'm moving up in the blogging world...damn does that make me feel good...lol
my sentiments exactly Ken-- ye got under soneone's epidermis, means you're doing something right! Hey anon, we're here prepping our "purses" precisely for those reasons!LOL!! Hey, ain't you missing harpo or Nancy whatsername or Idol or something?
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