Friday, September 4, 2009

...LastHoorah ! ?... special plans this weekend,no camping,no choice(well,our choice...says the the boat's still winterized from last year,hasn't moved from its spot in the garage since the last of october...almost a year...well,its moved around as needed to open up the garage,but it aint been wet...camper on the other hand is as good to go as i can make it,its been used several times,and is almost restocked...gettin kinda scared about this cold season,can't shake off the vibes that shits goin down this winter...
...that being said i'm gonna keep saving up for the big show...

...we WILL of course burn some meat on the grill the next three days...but really nuthin fancy(meaning not much steak...a couple T-bones for me and the Mrs on anyway,same folks' as always,two maybe three extra couples,sometimes with all the young'uns,sometimes only a few...
...chores and 'stores' will dictate the next few 'daytime' work today thru monday,so gotta pace any and all who venture forth into the 'Last Weekend of Summer' and all the things that 'It' may involve,here's wishin' Blessings'...and remember folks'...if ya can't be careful,be quick...



Felinae said...

Hey Ken,

Nothing special happening at this end either.

"if ya can't be careful,be quick"
I like that line, it's a good one :D

Have a safe and wonderful weekend.

Hugs to you and yours, my friend

Anonymous said...

Not much going on here either Ken. Don't feel bad. Probably take it easy.

Kentucky Preppers Network

Phil said...

"If ya can't be careful,be quick..."

If ya can't be good, stay sanitary.

Have a good one.


Anonymous said...

Boring,boring,boring people.Get a life.Get some friends."Last Hoorah" titled piece means this is your last post right.LOL

Catman said...

Hey Ken,

It's the Friday of a three day Labor Day Weekend out here in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area.

I was expecting a nearly three hour commute home. That is what it has been in the past.

It was just over an hour.

Guess many people are staying home this year, so we're all in good company.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if something nasty came crawling out of the woodwork this weekend.

Enjoy the weekend!

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

I have a strong feeling-- since AUGUST, in HOUSTON, TX, My Friend-- that Fall and Winter will prove real this year...

Thanks for the post, Bra...

Ken said...

...Thanx fer visitin' one down,gonna be productive everyday if it kills me(almost did alot done tho...tomorrow begins the 'good'

...i'll see y'all around this weekend...