Saturday, September 5, 2009


...whew,what a day,'holiday weekend'...yeah right,notice no capital on,anyway,trying to capitalize on the home time weekend,as i mentioned,today is the day of the 'good chores'...stoked up the charcoal for my cookin'drum(thanx RW) my water soaked hickory and pecan wood for a smokin' medium,chiken slow roastin' as i type...
...oh yeah,the 'good chores'...after a spot of routine vehicle checks,(and a couple low tires ? hmmm)we hit the grocery stores,Kroger,Sav-a-Lot,and the PigglyWiggly...home to unload,and store the food,then to local hardware store,chainsaw back in operation sent me into the yard to do a little 'pruning'...yard work's done,grill cleaned,chicken cookin' a trip to the countyline, and beer store...yes i have to drive 20 miles to get a,anyway,'good chores' ?...the kind that are kinda stress relieving,the chores that make me sit back and say "man,i'm glad i did that"...or,"i've been meaning to do that" know ?...'preppin'...

...well,it's about time to finish the last little bit of daylight,puttin' everything up for the night,lots of stuff to clean and wipe down,before puttin' it away...
...i'll stack the wood tomorrow,lots of nice wood in those 'branches'...hell a couple of'em where small trees in their own

...keep having a good weekend...see y'all later...


Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound like a bad Saturday Ken. I managed to get my car washed and waxed for the winter before it started raining. I can mark that off my list.

Have a good one brother!

Kentucky Preppers Network

Bullseye said...

Sounds like a good day to me buddy, wish I could have been there. Nothing like getting chores DONE !! Now, kick back and enjoy the cold ones.... I know you will.

Felinae said...

Sounds like a pretty good day to me Ken. :D

Enjoy your time off.


Anonymous said...

Glad somebody did chores. I spent this morning at the range. I know I'm bad. I'll be reloading this evening. But that's not work.

See Ya

HermitJim said...

The secret is to show up as a friend is just finishing his "chores" and be there in time for the cold ones and the chicken off the grill!

After all, gotta help with something, right?