"What are You doing ?",a question i heard often over the last half dozen weeks...except of course when i was fixin yet another ruptured piece of plumbing...we had the longest cold snap in recent memory here in Mississippi,causing many moments of frustration,not just for me but for others in the region...my ol'puter went belly up the day after Christmas,the brakes on the van went out(caliper locked up) New Years Day...the cold spell caused a couple breaks under the house that required me to get muddy(and i thought i had done a good job of preparing them)...anyway,the question above was asked of me several times...always as i stared off the porch,lookin' into the yard,or gazing at the passing traffic...just lookin' out,i guess was my usual response...
"looking out for what ?" the Mrs would ask...
...the next thing to come my way,whatever it may be...
...'looking out'...waiting for whatever comes next...part of the primitive mindset of the human male...watching for threats,keeping a vigilant stance,just in case...ready to protect the pack,ready to warn the pack of impending danger,a first line of defense,or possibly a spearhead in the first line of offense...
...whatever it is that causes the human male to gaze off into the distance expectantly !?...i have it.
...so whenever anyone asks you "what are you staring at ?"...tell them yer not staring...yer just 'looking out'...
Visage à trois #2797
2 minutes ago
I tend to do that too. Just watch and listen. Stare off at something, trying to see beyond the horizon...
Yeah,me too.
Hi Ken,
I like that answer, "just lookin' out"
I have caught Catman doing the same thing.
Good to have you back :)
Hope you and the family have a great day!
I like it, man. Because it rings true. Even in those moments of rest, we are never truly at ease, certainly canna afford to be mindless. Maybe resting, but never idle.
"lookin' out"...
Nice, Ken!
...mornin' y'all,dam it,it's contagious...lol
...thanx fer the visit folks...
Great post Ken and glad to see you!
I do the looking out every morning with coffee in hand watching the sun rise.
Glad to see you and yours are ok. Thw work never ends? Nice to see you back.
See Ya
...hi Worn Out,hope all is good,thanx for the nice words...
...My way,glad to see ya,i'm going to admit i just found yer blog...lol...i'll explain later,see ya around...
Snake bit by a whole bushel of snakes...as the saying goes!
Good to see you back...and I enjoyed the post today. Hope everything settles down a bit!
To: Ken
I'm always "looking out"! Got to in order to stay above the water line!
Keep lookin' out!
...update what anon...
...put a handle on it,how's that fer an update...
good to see you back.
Hmmm, so I am not the only one
who just sits and looks, waits?
...Hey Windancer...yea,one of those things ya think are weird,then find out everyone does it...then ya feel fine,at least until the next 'thing'...lol
...thanx fer the visit...
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