...sooo,the "economic recovery" continues...albeit "slowly"...sarcasm/off
...two questions,where? and by what measure???
...the local ranks of unemployed swelled by a total of twenty one...today!...today i had to inform a total of fourteen people,their services were no longer needed by our employer...seven of my people,in addition to seven off the midnight shift...it seems our PTB saw fit for me to inform them,because the stupervisor of the midnight shift hasn't been there that long(?)...the production manager carried the news to the folks on day shift(an additional seven)...make no mistake,the majority of these folks were hired to compensate during our "busy time of year"...generally May thru October/November...but,it's not even the end of July ???
...in yesterdays paper,two things of interest have stuck in my craw,first was the paragraph stating that because of/from "homeland security",Mississippi stands to receive 1oo million dollar grant,to improve interdepartmental communications and coordination efforts, in case of (un)natural disaster,and or terrorist activity...the largest such grant yet "awarded" to any state in the region...????????????
...second was the "regions" unemployment data,consisting of some 81 counties in NE Mississippi,it topped twelve percent...12.1 % to be exact,the numbers have grown from the low 9% bracket to the low 12% bracket,since the dark lord took office...i heard from a co-worker,that his spouse was one of many,laid off at another local factory...
...the questions i ask...did these companies wait for the local numbers to be published before they fired every one??? thereby keeping those numbers artificially lower ???
...and what the fuck are the PTB going to really use that 1oo million dollars for ???(not so much a question,because i have a prettygood idea of what it's really for)
Buy ammo,practice,be prepared...
Girls With Guns
46 minutes ago
I'm sorry about what happened to your fellow workers.
I was talking with a counterpart who works in the main office of our sister company in Japan today, and they've closed offices and laid off people. One regional office is down to 5 people.
Things are bad all over, and the tinder is dry.
I'm wondering who has the match. That hundred million will be like an eye dropper of water in a firestorm once it gets rolling.
God bless us indeed. We're going to need all the help we can get.
...yer right Catman,a hundred million is a pittance,in todays norm of billions and trillions...i would think they could put those monies to much better use than "homeland (in)security"...
They do everything they can to cook the books. The crash is coming...
The woods look better every day.Right now I'm squatting in a National forest. Nobody has found me yet. Still looking for my own land.
See Ya.
...hey Tony,if yer in National Forest,yer on "your land"(kinda...i know it's not the same tho)look at it this way,less taxes...lol...you be careful out there Brother,your land is coming soon,i can feel it...
Things are in a mess all over! Getting worse even as we speak, so it seems!
Got me to the point that I don't know which way to run any more...!
Sad to know that even with the numbers getting bigger in the ranks of the unemployed, the end isn't in sight!
...evenin'Jim,sad to say,this is just the beginning...there is no end to even think about seeing it...
...thanx fer coming over today Brother,i needed that...
I know I'm having a little trouble with basic 'rithmatic, lately. In one news report, it said so many thousands more jobs were lost in July, BUT, the national rate "is still holding steady at 9.5 percent". How many more have to get the boot before it becomes 9.6 percent?
Or are the leftest bean-counters using the "more is less" kind of math... for every few hundred thousand jobs lost, the percentage gets smaller?
...hey Mike,welcome to myworld...probably the same math they use regarding the 15/20 million number,of illegal immigrants(been 15/20 million fer ten years or so...with thousands coming daily ???)
...they're afraid of the real numbers,if the real numbers were used,the amrevII would have started already...
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